RazerEnhanced AutoComplete for Visual Studio Code
Author: HeelYes#0441
This info comes from entries in Discord, and links to sites mentioned in Discord
1. Install Visual Studio Code (VSC).
- Download the software here: https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Took defaults on Select Additional Task
- Install. (ex: Install path C:/program files/VSCode/ )
- Launch VSC
2. Install the Python Package for VSC
- Download the add-one: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python
- This includes Python Language, Pylance and Jupyter
3. Add IronPython Typings
- Download the IronPython stubs from @Gui_Talarico github: https://github.com/gtalarico/ironpython-stubs
- Unziped the files into /VSCode/ironpython-stubs-master
4. Restart VSC (Alt-F4 to close)
- In VSC file > Preferences > Settings (or Ctrl+comma if you’re on windows 10).
- Under the Settings tab, enter “python.autoComplete.extraPaths” into the Search Settings box (no quotes).
- Click on the “Edit in settings.json” link/button.
- Add the following into the line provided: “…\VSCode\ironpython-stubs-master”.
- Use the full path for your environment, include the quotes and double slashes.
- Hit CTRL-S to save the changes.
- Close the “settings.json” editor.
- Click on the “Clear Setting Search Input” icon that is on the far right of the Search Box.
- Under the Settings tab, enter “python.analysis.extraPaths” into the Search Settings box (no quotes).
- In the String Item area, add the following: …\RazorEnh\Config
- Use the full path for your environment, no quotes, no double \
- Click the OK button.
- Hit CTRL+S to save the changes, then ALT+F4 to exit VSC, then restart VSC.
6. Open a new file and add the following code
Test File to verify from
from AutoComplete import *
Misc.SendMessage("Test MSC. AutoComplete working!", 33)
7. Verify that Intellisense is working
- Check for some of the RE API, like Player or like Misc.SendMessage.
- Try to comment/uncomment the line of code of the “import”, you should see the colors change on the Misc.SendMessage line, as the Intellisense is applied and removed.
8. Save the file into your ER Script folder.
9. In the Scripting Tab of ER, Add the file you created in the ER Script folder
10. In the …\RazorEnhanced\Lib directory
- create a empty file named AutoComplete.py
- Save the file.
- This allows RE to find an empty AutoComplete.py file and not trigger an error, while still allowing VSC to find the AutoComplete.py file in the RE Config folder.
11. Test the execution of the test file that was created in VSC, and make sure it runs successfully in ER.
12. In each of your scripts you want to edit in VSC, add the import:
from AutoComplete import *
13. I was able to add the …\RazorEnhanced\Scripts folder to the VSC Explorer by using File>Open Folder.