CUO and RE native
- Prerequisite packages that need to exist before RE can run on linux
- libZ - used for unpacking data sent from server
- mono-complete - used for windows gui libraries
- Thats all I remember, add more as we try
- Download/Install CUO
- cd ~/Downloads
- unzip it into a directory, for this example we’ll use CUO on the Desktop (e.g. unzip -o -d ~/Desktop/CUO/ )
- Run their launcher, you dont have to always use it, but it pulls down all their code
- Download RazorEnhanced
- Go to Razorenhanced web site and Download the latest package
2a. Use web browser
2b. (optional cli) wget -c
- Using the CUO launcher set up a profile for your server
- Click the little gear at bottom and fill in server port etc. information
- click on plugins tab and add the RazorEnhanced zip file you downloaded earlier in step 3
- You’ll see it appear in the selection, click its select box
- save profile
- Play – but I cant test because ClassicUO launcher cant update :(
Optional thoughts.
I don’t like having the plugin burried inside the Classic UO folder, because all your scripts etc. end up in there, and I use the same stuff on many servers. So what I did was I didn’t add the zip in 4.2, but instead went into the cli, and in the folder ~/Desktop/CUO/ClassicUO/Data/Plugins/ I created a sym link to a RazorEnhanced folder thats on my desktop.
- unzip the RazorEnhanced file into a folder, for this example we’ll use ~/Desktop/RazorEnhanced. Do one of these 2:
1a. Use File Explorer (Dolphin or whatever) to open the zip file and drag all its contents to a folder named RazorEnhanced on your desktop
1b. unzip -o -d ~/Desktop/RazorEnhanced ./
- cd to ~/Desktop/CUO/ClassicUO/Data/Plugins
- ln -s ~/Desktop/RazorEnhanced ./
Now in the launcher profile you’ll see an option for RazorEnhanced, but its the sym link and you can manage all your RE stuff in the ~/Desktop/RazorEnhanced folder